Acta Mechatronica
A c t a    M e ch a t r o n i c a
International Scientific Journal about Mechatronics
ISSN 2453-7306


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Acta Mechatronica

Instructions for Authors

Manuscript preparation: The original manuscript should be submitted electronically in double columns and single line spacing. The font type of manuscript is Times New Roman size 10 pt. Page form A4 is the page size of the manuscripts with margins (cm) 3.45 top, 3.0 bottom, 2.0 left and 2.0 right. The manuscript should have ranged from 4(minimum) to 12(maximum) pages, including figures, tables, charts, and attachments. A final manuscript that would exceed more than 12 pages may be returned for abridgement. All manuscripts must be written in correct English. In addition, the manuscript must adhere to the scientific structure of the preparation of contribution - Introduction, Main text containing the Methodological basis, Experimental part, Results and its Discussion and Conclusions.
The text of the manuscript should include the following:
  • Title: as short as possible, with no abbreviations or acronyms.
  • Address: position, department, name of institution, full postal address of each author.
  • E-mail: e-mail address of each author.
  • Keywords: the limit is min. 3 and max. 5 words or phrases. Keywords are important for online searching.
  • Abstract: the maximum limit is no more than 250 words.
  • Main text: contains information about new knowledge, which have been obtained from research, study, or the proposal of a solution to project tasks.
  • Acknowledgements and notice: this section contains information about the source documents from which the manuscript is made.
  • Figures and figure captions: all illustrations, whether diagrams or photographs, are referred to as figures. All figures have a description below the figure. All figures can be made in colours. Figures must be prepared in high quality must be computer-drafted or digitalized with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Figures must be numbered sequentially. Please prepare all figures, especially line diagrams, to the highest possible standards.
  • Tables and table´s captions: all tables have a description above of table. All tables can be made in colours. Tables must be numbered sequentially. Please prepare all tables to the highest possible standards.
  • Units of measurement: Acta Mechatronica - International Scientific Journal follows the International System (SI) of units.
  • References: Full references should include all author names and initials, the date of publication, the title of the article or book, the title of the publication (italics), the volume and issue number (of a journal), the publisher and form (books, conference proceedings) and page numbers. If authors have a problem preparing the references list, you can use the online service with citation style IEEE.

    Examples of references.

    [1] BARNES, R.: Successful study for degrees, 2nd edition, London, Routledge, 1995.
    [2] FISHER, R., URY, W., PATTON, B.: Getting to yes, Negotiating an agreement without giving in, 2nd edition, London, Century Business, 1991.

    [3] FULLER, O.: Technology and mechatronics: Best Technology, The Australian Technology Journal, Vol. 3,
          No. 2, pp. 103-107, 2011.
    [4] KELEMENOVÁ, T., BENEDIK, O., KOLÁRIKOVÁ, I.: Signal noise reduction and filtering,
           Acta Mechatronica, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 29-34, 2020.
    [5] FEDOSOV, S., DOMNINA, K., PIVARČIOVÁ, E.: The construction of the function of the ultimate goal of the technological process
          of non-autoclaved foam concrete obtaining, Acta Tecnología, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 59-62, 2019.
    [6] NIKAKHTAR, A., HOSSEINI, A.A., WONG, K.Y., ZAVICHI, A.: Application of lean construction principles to reduce construction process
          waste using computer simulation: a case study, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 461-480,

    WWW pages:
    [7] YOUNG, C.: English heritage position statement on the Valletta Convention, [Online], Available:
 [24 Aug 2001], 2001.
    [8] Acta Mechatronica, Instructions for authors, [Online], Available:
 [16 Jan 2022], 2016.

    [9] BREM, G., GORT, R., VAN KESSEL, L.B.M.: Theoretical and Experimental Modelling of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration, 7th International
          Recycling Congress, 28-30 October, Berlin, pp. 201-213, 1992.
    [10] CAO, S., ZHANG, K.: Optimization of the flow distribution of e-waste reverse logistics network based on NSGA II and TOPSIS, International
            Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE 2011), 6-8 May, Shanghai, pp. 1-5, 2011.

ISSN 2453-7306
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