Acta Mechatronica
A c t a    M e ch a t r o n i c a
International Scientific Journal about Mechatronics
ISSN 2453-7306


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Acta Mechatronica

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Digital archiving and preservation policy: Digital preservation of the journal Acta Mechatronica is the set of processes and activities that ensure the information that now exists in digital forms and is backed up and distributed to guarantee continued access for the long term. The electronic content of the journal Acta Mechatronica is stored on several different sources. Content of the journal Acta Mechatronica is online and accessible for the readers from the main server. The copy of the same content is kept as a backup on the server of the University Library in Bratislava. At least one of our journal’s Abstracting/Indexing services archives the full electronic versions of the articles, as well. Suppose we are forced to stop publishing the journal due to some rare, unfortunate circumstances. In that case, articles published in the journal Acta Mechatronica will remain online and accessible to the readers still.

ISSN 2453-7306
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